Apply for Payday Loans in Kelowna 24/7

When you need cash, you need it fast. Money Money Payday Loans in Kelowna lets you apply online. In Kelowna or across BC, we’ve got you covered. Just fill out our secure one page form and use Inverite to securely submit all banking information online.

We’ll send a contract by email in about 10 minutes. Sign it and you’re done. You’ll receive your cash via e-transfer.

Apply for a Kelowna Payday Loan. It's easy.

Apply Now
  • 60-day transaction history stamped with today's date
  • Bank issued preauthorized debit form or void cheque
  • 1 pay stub
  • 1 valid piece of government issued ID with your photo and current address



Create a login and complete the online application.



Attach a picture of your ID, paystub, and pre-authourized debit to our one page application.



Use Inverite to securely access and provide your 60-day banking history.



Receive your money via e-transfer or direct deposit.

Safe and secure

We believe in security. In fact, King Payday loans uses bank-level encryption to keep your personal information safe. So, you can rest assured that your private financial information will stay private.

Fast and easy

It only takes a few minutes to set up. And you can apply for a payday loan online or over the phone. Once your profile is set up, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have access to fast cash when you need it.

Talk to us today

If you’d prefer to apply over the phone, our talented team is always ready to help. Give us a call and learn why King Payday Loans scores a 4.5 rating on Best Companies by Reviews.

Apply for your Kelowna Payday Loan. If you need help, call us at 778 565 5030

Payday Loans Office Locations


British Columbia: License 64377

Maximum charges permitted in British Columbia

for a payday loan: 14% of the principal. We charge: 14% of the principal.

For a $300 loan for 14 days: 

Total cost of borrowing = $42

Annual Percentage Rate = 365%

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